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发布日期:2019-04-29  来源:   点击量:


本课程采用由德国慕尼黑工业大学Ralph Kennel (IET Fellow,领域顶级专家)教授研究所所长所开发的“电力电子、驱动及新能源系统与控制”课件与授课方式,面向本科、研究生及领域内学者,全英文授课。课程通过大量的工程实例来帮助学生理解电力电子技术、电驱、并网新能源系统的基础理论、拓扑结构、控制技术及未来展望。并且结合工程实例了解其应用情况,帮助学生全面掌握电力电子、驱动控制及其应用技术的发展情况。通过该课程,Ralph Kennel教授能够与学生、学者等互相探讨,构建良性的交流模式,既能扩展彼此的知识水平与研究思路,又能为行业前沿热点问题提供深个人的走势判断。


This course materials are from Technical University of Munich, Germany, developed by Prof. Ralph Kennel (full professor and Institute Director). This course is dedicated to both undergraduates, master and PhD students, and the researchers within electrical and control fields. Through a large number of engineering examples, students can understand the history, theory and control strategies of power electronics, electrical drives and its application to, e.g., renewable energies, electrical cars, etc. Through the courses, students and attending scholars will have a better understanding of the state of the art technology about power electronics, electrical drives and their modern control techniques.