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发布日期:2019-05-05  来源:   点击量:


项目为期11天。同期举行大学生暑期学校, 一名高中生与一名山东大学学生结成对子,“大手拉小手”,共同进行学习实践。在山东大学站邀请知名机器人专家进行专题讲座,北京大学站由北大谢广明教授进行授课。期间穿插与山大、北大机器人创业校友进行交流,参观创新工场人工智能研究院等知名企业。每名授课教师带领一组学生参加世界机器人大会,自选某一细分领域进行深入考察总结,感受产业前沿。最后,团队返回山大结课汇报。


The project will last 11 days. In the same period, a summer college for college students will be held. A high school student will form a pair with a student from Shandong University, “big hand and small hand” to study and practice together. At the Shandong University Station, well-known robot experts will be invited to give special lectures. Peking University Station will be taught by Professor Xie Guangming from Peking University. During the period, we will hold exchanges with Shandong University, Peking University Robotics alumnis, and visit the activities of well-known enterprises such as the Innovation Workshop Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. Each instructor will then lead a group of students to participate in the 2019 World Robotics Congress. Each group of students will conduct an in-depth study and summary of a certain segment of the field to experience the frontier of the robot industry. Finally, the team will return to Shandong University for a final report.