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发布日期:2019-05-05  来源:   点击量:




Each lesson will be presented in the way of "popular Science + experiment", with hands-on experiments as the main part and knowledge explanation and demonstration as the supplement. Through setting up some basic theoretical courses at the entry level, students can form a basic understanding of optics; setting up experimental courses such as "3D Photography Initial Exploration", "Visual False", "Measuring Hair Filament Diameter" to exercise practical ability and enhance students' interest in optics; in addition, holding expert lectures to explain the details of optics, current development trend and depth of going abroad. It is helpful for students to know the relevant professional situation in advance and re-orientate their goals. Students can not only learn practical optical knowledge and explore magical optical phenomena, but also communicate with elder students and elder sisters of postgraduate students about learning and feeling University life. From this, the campers can contact our school from zero distance and experience the cultural atmosphere and educational mode of our school.