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发布日期:2019-05-05  来源:   点击量:


山东大学是教育部直属重点综合性大学,入选 “双一流”A类建设高校。为贯通中学教育和高校创新的培养渠道,激发高中生对智能制造相关学科的学习兴趣,与延揽优质生源、展示山大优势相结合,鼓励“未来山大人”在学习科学知识,感受传统文化的过程中,认识、了解山东大学,进而向往、热爱山东大学。探索预备学分的试点实施,搭建校地协同育人平台,延揽、选拔、培养具有学科特长和创新潜质的优秀学生,特开展山东大学科技创新预备营活动。


Shandong University is a key comprehensive University directly under the Ministry of Education and was selected as a "double-class" Class A construction University. In order to through the training channels of secondary school education and college innovation, to stimulate high school students 'interest in learning related disciplines of intelligent manufacturing, and to combine high-quality students and display the advantages of Shanda University, encourage "future mountain adults" to learn scientific knowledge and experience traditional culture. In the process, Know and understand Shandong University, and then yearn for and love Shandong University. Explore the pilot implementation of preparatory credits, set up schools to collaborate with the personnel training platform, recruit, select and cultivate outstanding students with academic expertise and innovative potential, and carry out scientific and technological innovation preparatory camp activities of Shandong University.